Learning Materials

Learning Materials

Our learning materials are designed to enable trainers to run the specific workshop they relate to. They include the programme, slides for the theoretical session, role plays, case studies etc a self assessment methodology and a participants manual. Note: The content of each pack can be viewed by highlighting the title.
We hope you will find these materials useful, if you would like further information please contact us.

Core Competency Development Programme


This material consists of two examples of Core Competency Development programmes. The first is a simple agenda and refers to the Core Competency Assessment materials, which can be found under Audits & Assessments. The second programme, which was developed for a Public Sector organisation contains both the competencies and the learning materials. For more information please contact us

In-Plant Action Learning Teams – Participants Guide


This book is designed to provide participants in In-Plant action Learning programmes with:

  1. an understanding of Action Learning
  2. a framework for working on their projects
  3. an explanation of the Coordinator, Facilitator and Client roles.

It is intended to support the introductory training of the groups and the facilitator training which follows.

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