Kaizen Tools

Kaizen Tools

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Kaizen Tools George Boulden

  • This audit provides a means of assessing how well an organisation is doing against the five key drivers of KAIZEN:
    1. Visual Control,
    2. Total Productivity Maintenance,
    3. Quality Circles,
    4. Cross Functional Teams,
    5. Waste Weeding,
    People interested in this subject should also read our book Re-Engeering the Workplace to be found in the Books section.
  • ALA International Publishing
  • November 1, 2015
  • 14 pages

About the author:

George has been using Action Learning to empower managers and their organisations to be the best, for over thirty years. He has written numerous articles about his experiences and contributed to many books on the subject. In addition he has published a number of books about Action Learning and Personal Development through his company ALA International. In his latest book, 'Change; Become a Winner' he presents the philosophy of the Action learning 'Own Job' model as a vehicle for personal development.

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